

Everything we do, we do for you - whether it's protecting your healthcare organization, your business, your reputation and life’s work. At no time is this more apparent than when you face a claim, lawsuit, or disciplinary board investigation. Our claims professionals understand all that is at stake, and we bring to bear exceptional resources, deep empathy, and support for the best possible outcomes for our Members.

Exceptional Expertise & Empathy

Our Members have the confidence and peace of mind that come with the powerful claim and litigation defense resources, knowledge, and personal support Physicians Insurance brings to bear when they face a claim. With the steady hand that comes with experience and smart defense strategies, we guide Members to the best possible resolution while providing the support they need to remain productive, both professionally and personally, during what can be a stressful ordeal.

The Physicians Insurance Way

When a new report is made to us, seasoned claims staff will contact you to discuss the details of the medical treatment and next steps depending on the type of report. If the report requires no further action, we will maintain the report with no negative consequence to your claim record.


If the report is a lawsuit or becomes a lawsuit, highly experienced medical negligence defense attorneys will be retained to represent you. In medical negligence cases, defense costs are outside of your policy limit.

  • We vigorously defend non-meritorious claims, and we settle meritorious claims timely and fairly.
  • We conduct a thorough investigation including consultant reviews of your care. The process and length of the investigation may vary from state-to-state.
  • As a member, you are kept fully apprised of the investigation and when it is time to make a decision about how to resolve the claim, policyholders are always the decision makers whether to settle.
Litigation Support

Stress is an almost inevitable component of litigation. A physician survey indicates that stress manifests in the physician’s physical health in ways that include, but are not limited to fatigue, anxiety, and loss of sleep. In addition, other areas affected by litigation may include income, relationships with peers, productivity, and family relationships.

  • Physicians Insurance the Provider Support Program, a unique service to policyholders. In the event you become a defendant in a medical malpractice lawsuit, you will have access to our support services to help you and your family manage the stress of litigation. In addition, all discussions of support are privileged communications and confidential.
  • A claim or lawsuit is an unfortunate risk of practicing medicine but we hope you realize you are not alone. Our support, experience, and defense strategies will guide you to a resolution while keeping you productive professionally and personally.
Claims & Policyholder Committee

The most serious cases are reviewed by our Claims & Policyholder Committee. This Committee consists of various specialists and industry leaders, which allows us to conduct a comprehensive review when evaluating such cases and their potential resolution.

The Physicians Insurance Way
The Physicians Insurance Way

When a new report is made to us, seasoned claims staff will contact you to discuss the details of the medical treatment and next steps depending on the type of report. If the report requires no further action, we will maintain the report with no negative consequence to your claim record.


If the report is a lawsuit or becomes a lawsuit, highly experienced medical negligence defense attorneys will be retained to represent you. In medical negligence cases, defense costs are outside of your policy limit.

  • We vigorously defend non-meritorious claims, and we settle meritorious claims timely and fairly.
  • We conduct a thorough investigation including consultant reviews of your care. The process and length of the investigation may vary from state-to-state.
  • As a member, you are kept fully apprised of the investigation and when it is time to make a decision about how to resolve the claim, policyholders are always the decision makers whether to settle.
Litigation Support
Litigation Support

Stress is an almost inevitable component of litigation. A physician survey indicates that stress manifests in the physician’s physical health in ways that include, but are not limited to fatigue, anxiety, and loss of sleep. In addition, other areas affected by litigation may include income, relationships with peers, productivity, and family relationships.

  • Physicians Insurance the Provider Support Program, a unique service to policyholders. In the event you become a defendant in a medical malpractice lawsuit, you will have access to our support services to help you and your family manage the stress of litigation. In addition, all discussions of support are privileged communications and confidential.
  • A claim or lawsuit is an unfortunate risk of practicing medicine but we hope you realize you are not alone. Our support, experience, and defense strategies will guide you to a resolution while keeping you productive professionally and personally.
Claims & Policyholder Committee
Claims & Policyholder Committee

The most serious cases are reviewed by our Claims & Policyholder Committee. This Committee consists of various specialists and industry leaders, which allows us to conduct a comprehensive review when evaluating such cases and their potential resolution.


Claims Litigation Photo

Webinar Series: Trial Takeaways

You Be the Jury:

This 90-minute webinar demystifies the litigation process leading up to and during a trial. 

Member Access Only

Defending a "Missed" Finding: Process Over Perfection

This 90-minute webinar is a case study in hindsight bias, spotlighting the facts of a recent case and its associated imaging.

Member Access Only

So Now You’re a Defendant

This hour-long panel discussion with leading industry experts will introduce you to a recent trial that one of our clients was involved in.

Member Access Only
Trial Results for testing

The Physicians Insurance claims team has a deep understanding of local defense, plaintiff counsel, and judicial environments. This understanding, combined with our strong relationships and resources, has resulted in a 10-year average of over 97.8% defense verdicts in Members’ jury trials. One of our most recent cases was no exception.

Frequently asked questions

This FAQ is intended to provide general information and may not be applicable to all states or specific situations. Laws and regulations vary by state, and the information provided herein should not be considered a substitute for professional legal advice. If you have specific questions about your Physicians Insurance policy, we invite you to contact us at (800) 962-1399 Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PT or email us at

Does Physicians Insurance assist with criminal defense for investigations arising out of direct patient care?

By endorsement, Physicians Insurance offers the Named Insured the option of providing criminal defense reimbursement of $250,000.00/$250,000.00 aggregate to a health care practitioner who is criminally investigated or charged for acts arising from direct patient care. Exclusions apply.

Can I discuss a malpractice incident, claim or lawsuit with the patient, my colleagues, or my staff?

Talk to your claims representative or your counsel before you speak to anyone. In general, you should not discuss any malpractice incident, claim, or lawsuit with the patient or the patient’s attorney. This is important, because you do not want to prejudice your position in the matter. However, the laws in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho allow you, under certain circumstances, to offer a patient your apology for a bad outcome without making that apology evidence in any subsequent action. Your claims representative or your counsel can help you express yourself effectively in such a situation.

Also, do not discuss the patient with any of your colleagues except in the context of protected Quality Assurance programs. You can, and should, communicate as needed with any current treating physician regarding the continuing medical treatment of the patient.

We advise you not to discuss the details of the patient’s care with your office staff, or anyone in your administration, because conversations with them may not be considered privileged. However, we have found it helpful to your defense if your staff is aware of the existence of an incident, claim, or lawsuit.

You should advise your staff not to release records or information on that patient to anyone without your knowledge and permission.

Should I report claims, potential claims, and lawsuits to Physicians Insurance?

Yes. In fact, your Physicians Insurance policy requires that you report to us all actual claims, potential claims, and lawsuits. Early notification to us aids in our early evaluation, which will improve the likelihood of a successful defense. Our investigation affords us the opportunity to collect and record facts before time fades, memories lost, or witnesses disappear. In appropriate instances where settlement is warranted, we may be able to negotiate an early settlement with the patient before the filing of a lawsuit.

What is a claim?

A claim is a demand for monetary compensation by a patient or the patient’s attorney to the physician or the liability carrier.

What is a lawsuit?

A lawsuit is formal litigation within the judicial system.

What is a potential claim?

You can discuss your case at any time with your claims representative or defense counsel because of the privileged nature of these conversations. Conversations with your spouse, clergy, or counselor are also privileged. Conversations with anyone else may be discoverable. A plaintiff attorney might ask you to name everyone with whom you have had discussions regarding the case, and could subpoena those people for deposition.

Therefore, we strongly advise you to limit your communications regarding the case to only to those whose communications with you are privileged.

Does Physicians Insurance provide assistance to me if the state disciplinary agency investigates an aspect of my patient care?

Yes. Subject to certain exclusions, your Physicians Insurance policy provides reimbursement of legal expenses you incur arising out of an investigation by the state medical or osteopathic disciplinary agency. The investigation must arise from a medical incident involving direct patient treatment after your retroactive date and be reported during the policy period.